Zeitgeist Innovation Campus Conceptual Project (2021)

Country: Turkey

City: Muğla / Bodrum

Year: 2021

Building Area: 45000 m2

Project Team: Aslı Aldemir Celen, Tarık Ateşer, İsmail Çelik, Ece Kalyoncuoğlu

Conceptual Project

Integrated Design Office: Opus and Space

It is designed with Opus and Space that three different engineers and an architect with the integrated design principle.

Zeitgeist Bodrum’s goal is to enable completely off-grid operation within the first three years after its launch.

They focus on the “Zero Carbon Living” vision, where the campus, including the greenhouse farm, cooling, and heating center and experiences, can be completely self-sufficient in electricity, water, and waste management.

Zeitgeist Bodrum is committed to being the first organized campus in Turkey that is designed and built with the highest energy efficiency standards and meets The Paris Agreement Environmental Standards.

Project Team

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